The key to getting better & staying safe
is community.

GlideScore is a web-based tool for freeflight pilots, clubs and national organizations to validate IGC files, log flights, analyze them, share tasks, compare and compete. Get feedback, fly better.

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What is GlideScore?

GlideScore is where freeflight pilots log and analyze flights, and compete.

GlideScore is also a new way to score flights.

Like FAI triangles, GlideScore encourages area flying.
Unlike other scoring systems, it is not artificially limited to a handful of waypoints.
We use points along the outside edge of the flight path, and the score is based on the distance between and the order flown along these.

It awards no bonusses, and acknowledges no handicaps.
This simplicity allows for direct comparisons between different disciplines, glider types and classes while we can ofcourse filter and sort on any criteria to define leaderboards as needed.

Along with GlideScore, we also calculate OLC, XContest, FAI and other score equivalents to help with analysis and comparisons.

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For Freeflight Pilots
glider - sailplane - delta - hang glider - paraglider

Log Flights

Upload and validate IGC files, see flight analysis, track your stats, share with friends.

Become a local legend

Find popular routes along waypoints in your area and claim the best GlideScore.

Track Maintenance

Keep track of flight hours for your wings and safety equipment and note adjustments.

Follow Friends

Share tasks. Be notified of your friends' flights. Cheer them on and keep the stoke.


Claim the best global GlideScore, win national and club prizes and get recognition for your skills.

Search Flights

Filter flights by site, date, glider type, pilot, score, etc.

for organizations
clubs - schools - associations - manufacturers

Club dashboard

See the flights of your club pilots, post notifications, organize events

Maintain your flying sites

Add your club sites, manage waypoints and publish routes to your members and visiting pilots.

Club ranking

Award prizes for GlideScore of the month, quarter or year

Manage your memberships

Add your club members, log their competencies and competition numbers, and view their recency.

Manage your glider fleet

Add your club glider fleet and log maintenance.

Score competition

Manage and score FAI competitions.

GlideScore is in an early beta testing phase and free to use.

Once out of beta-testing GlideScore will remain free for pilots using standard logging and analysis features. There will be low cost options for organizations and pilots wanting to use pro features.